How to Draw a Mandala

If you enjoy color, detail and patterns, my newest YouTube video is right up your alley! 😍

Learn how to draw a mandala step-by-step!

This mandala drawing lesson is perfect for beginners, because we start right at the beginning and go step-by-step! πŸ˜ƒ

In this free 36-minute video, you'll learn:

➜ how to use a ruler, compass and protractor to create your guidelines

➜ how to sketch in the mandala using a pencil

➜ how to ink over the pencil lines

➜ how to color in your mandala!

If you've ever wanted to draw your own mandalas from scratch, but didn't know where to begin, this video is for you! 🌟

Making mandalas is a fun, relaxing activity for anybody ~ you don't have to be an artist or have any previous drawing experience! πŸ˜ƒ

We'll go step-by-step, so previous art knowledge is required!


You can use any coloring supplies that you want to color in your mandala.

If you're new to coloring, I wrote a detailed page all about my favorite coloring supplies including markers, colored pencils, gel pens and paint pens! 🎨

I’ve included subtitles (closed captioning), so you can easily follow along with the sound off!

If you enjoy my videos, please subscribe to my channel so that you never miss a thing. πŸ˜ƒ

Thanks so much for reading this! Wishing you a wonderful week!